Borghigiani - Santa Maria Novella


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Preferred Citation: , . "Borghigiani - Santa Maria Novella." Florence As It Was.

Table of Contents:

Elizabeth Bradford Smith, Building Santa Maria Novella: Materials, Tradition, and Invention in Late Medieval Florence (Rome: ‘Lerma’ di Bretschneider, 2022), 175-204 (‘Borghigiani, Appendix’)


Doc. 1. Charter of the donation of the church on the site of the present Santa Maria Novella to the Dominicans.

ASF, S. Maria Novella.

06 November 1221

In Die Nomine Amen. Millesimo ducentesimo vigesimo primo, VI. Id. Novemb. Ind. X. Presbyter Forese Rector Ecclesie S. M. Novelle renuntiavit in minibus Domini Hugonis, Ostiensis et Velletrensis Episcopi, Apostolice Sedis Lagati, omni iuri quod ei pertinebat in dicta Ecclesia S. Marie Novelle.

Acta sunt hec Florentie, in Palatio Domini Episcopi Florent, presentibus Domino Johanne, Episcopo Florentino, Domino Goffredo, Pistoriensi Episcopo et Abate de Nonantula et allis.

In the year of Our Lord 1221, 6 November, the presbyter Forese, rector of the church of Santa Maria Novella, gives into the hands of Lord Hugo, Bishop of Ostia and Velletri and Legate of the Apostolic See, all privileges pertaining to the said church, Santa Maria Novella.

Enacted in Florence, in the palace of the Lord bishop of Florence, in the presence of Lord John, Bishop of Florence, Lord Goffredo, Bishop of Pistoia and Abbot of Nonantula, and others.

Vincenzo Fineschi, Memorie istoriche che possono servire alle vite degli uomini illustri del convent di Sant Maria Novella (Florence, 1790), I, 29.

James Wood Brown, The Dominican Church of Santa Maria Novella at Florence: A Historical, Architectural, and Artistic Study (Edinburgh, 1902), 48.

Doc. 2. Permission granted by the Comune of Florence to enlarge the old piazza of Santa Maria Novella (today the Piazza dell’Unità italiana).

ASF, Conventi Soppressi, S. Maria Novella, Liber recordationum novus (1365-1400), Archivio S. Maria Novella, I.A.3, fol. 1.

176: 12 December 1244

Comune Florentia ad instantiam fratrum fecit fieri plateam veterem, et donavit eam conventui et instrumentum super hoc fecit Ser Attaviamus Oliverii MCCXLIIII. De hoc require in predicto libro conventui qui fuit fratris Ioannis de Infagati, car. 76.

The commune of Florence, at the instance of the friars, allowed them to enlarge the old piazza, and gave this to the convent, and the relevant document was drawn up by Ser Attavaimus Olivier in 1244. Concerning this, see said book of the convent that was of friar Giovanni Infangati, doc. 76.

Fineschi, 1.

Stefano Orlandi, Necrologio di S. Maria Novella, I (Florence, 1955, 217-18.

Doc. 3. Pope Innocent IV grants an Indulgence to all who contribute to construction of the church and convent of Santa Maria Novella.

ASF, Diplomatico S. Maria Novella, 64.

13 April 1246

Cum igitur dilecti filii Fratres Ordinis Predicatorum Florentiis, ibdem sicut accepimus, Ecclesiam et alia edificia suis usibus opportuna construere ceperint … rogamus … ut per subventionem vestram predicta edificia consummari valeant.

Since, therefore, our beloved sons, the Preaching Friars of the Order in Florence, have at present undertaken, as we understand, to construct a church and other buildings for their own use, they take this opportunity … to ask … for your help in order to complete construction of said buildings.

Fineschi, 141-142

Brown, 56 (n. 2).

No. 1. 1251

The Dominicans of Santa Maria Novella supplicate pope Innocent IV for a renewed Bull of Indulgence for the construction project at their church.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 112.

1251. … Restando tuttavia sospesa la fabbrica incominiciata nella prima chiesa, per renderla più capace, e non potendosi proseguire per mancanza di limosine, supplicano i Frati, e nuovamente attengono da Innocenzo IV altra simile Indulgenza alla sopradette da acquistarsi da chiunque cooperasse con limosine a termine [del]la fabbrica della loro chiesa. E’ probabile che detta fabbrica non si terminasse mai; ma che poi si gettasse giù tutto Vecchio e nuovo, quando poi fù messo mano al gran Tempio, che in oggi si vede.

1251. Given that the construction in the first church to render it more capacious had, however, ceased, and unable to continue due to a lack of donations, the Brothers once again request and obtain a further Indulgence similar to the one mentioned earlier, to be acquired by anyone who cooperates with donations up to the conclusion of construction of their church. It is probable that said construction was never completed; but that they destroyed everything old and new when later they began construction of the great Temple that we see today.

No. 2. 1272

The Dominicans of Santa Maria Novella purchase land in preparation for the construction of their new church.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 179.

1272 … già si preparavano per la fabbrica della nuova chiesa, imperocche non ad altro fine, che per acquistare spazio, e campo dove piantare ed alzare la magnifica mole, saranno state senz’altro fatte le compre, che si trovano in questo anno, como apposite. ‘

1272. …already they were preparing for the construction of the new church, because for no reason other than to acquire space and a place where they could lay out and build the magnificent structure, they must have made the purchases that are to be found in that year, as necessary.


Doc. 5. Cardinal Latino authorizes Fra Pasquale Incisa to receive reparations to help with construction costs for the church and convent of SMN.

ASF, S. Maria Novella.

14 March 1277

Frater Latinus prermissione divina Ostiensis et Velletrensis episcopus apostolice sedis legatus, Religioso viro fratri Paschali de Florentia ordinis fratrum predicatorum salute in domino. Necessitatibus Conventus florentini pio compacente affectu, quod de usuris, rapinus, et aliis male acquisitis dum modo hii quibus horum restitutio fieri debet edictis in locis competentibus publice propositis omnino fieri vel inveniri non possint usque ad summam Trecentarum librarum Turonensium pro construenda ecclesia et aliis officinis conventus.

Brother Latino bishop of Ostia and Velletri by the grace of God legate of the apostolic Seat, greets brother Pasquale of Florence of the Brothers Preachers in the name of God. Bishop Latino orders that the Dominicans of Santa Maria Novella be paid the sum of 300 Turonese lire to meet the needs of the Florentine church and conventual buildings in construction. This sum shall be collected form what is recuperated from ill-gotten gains, usury and theft, provided that, after having given appropriate notice with an edict affixed in the designated places, it is impossible to find those to whom these recovered goods are to be returned.

Orlandi, 2, Appendix II, 419-20.

Doc. 6. Giovanni Villani’s account of the laying of the cornerstone of the new church of Santa Maria Novella by Cardinal Fra Latino Malabranca.

Giovanni Villani, Nuova Cronica, Book 8, LVI, II, 33-39.

18 October 1279

E poi il detto legato il dì di santo Luca Vangelista, nel detto anno e mese, fondò e benedisse la prima pietra della nuova chiesa di Santa Maria Novella dei frati predicatori, ond’egli era frate.

And then the said legate on the day of Saint Luke Evangelist in the said year and month laid and blessed the first stone of the new church of Santa Maria Novella of the Brothers Preachers, of which he was a brother.

No. 3. 1278

The Dominicans of Santa Maria Novella amass building materials for their new church.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp. 190-192.

1278. Era uno stordimento mirare le montagne di pietrame, legname, mattoni, arena, calce, tegoli, embrici, docce, che torno l’antica chiesuola si andavano alzando di giorno in giorno, con il continua trasporto d’innumerevole bestiame a somma, e col diroccamento de casolari ivi comprati, per far lo spazio a fondamentare l’amplissimo Tempio.

1278. It was dazzling to see the mountains of stones, wood, bricks, sand, lime, tiles, roof tiles, and pipes, that gradually rose day by day around the little old church, with the continual transport of innumerable beasts of burden, and the razing of the houses bought there in order to make space for the foundations of the most ample temple.

No. 4. 1279

Aldobrandino Cavalcanti’s dying speech.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp. 193-194 (see Roberto Lunardi, “Santa Maria Novella e la Croce di Giotto,” in Giotto: la croce di Santa Maria Novella, ed. Marco Ciatti and Max Seidel, Florence, 2001, 166, for the transcription of this passage)

1279 …per la mia morte verrete a conseguire ciò che consegui Salamone per la morte del re Davidde suo padre. Con ciò sia che egli entrò in possesso dello immenso materiale da lui preparato per la fabbrica del tempio di Gerusalemme, con voi che sempre vi abbiamo amati, e riguardati come figliuoli rimanete eredi di quello da me copiosamente accumolato per la nuova fabbrica di vostra chiesa, quale non dubito che giusta il concepito disegno riescirà cotanto magnifica e maestosa da esser certo di ornamento alla città, di onore al convento, all’ordine, che forse in altra città del mondo cattolico mai sarà per avere la simile.

1279. “… upon my death you will achieve that which Solomon achieved through the death of his father, King David. Just as he [Solomon] entered into possession of the immense amount of material that he [David] had prepared for construction of the Temple of Jerusalem, so you, whom we have always loved and considered as sons, will find yourselves heirs to that which has been copiously accumulated by me for the new construction of your church, which, I have no doubt, given the design conceived, will be so magnificent and majestic as surely to be an ornament to the city, and will bring honor to the convent and to the Order, such that other cities in the Catholic world may not see its equal.”

No. 5. 1279

Laying of the cornerstone by Cardinal Latino Orsini.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, 199-200

1279. “nella morte del Vesc. (ovo) Ald. (obrandi)no, loro tanto amorevole Benefattore, ripresero l’affare della fabbrica, e pensarono di presto risolvere a gettarne la prima pietra affine anche di dare con la maggior prontezza fattibile l’esecuzione a ciò che già determinato ave(v)a il def. prelato, e lasciato il tutto provvisto non solo per darne principio ma per tirarlo a buon punto. Alle loro pressanti istanze accetto il Card. Leg. F. Latino Orsini di farne la funzione, gli fù fermata per lo giorno di 18 di Ottobre di detto anno. Venuto quel dì, ed apparato decorosamente il luogo alla presenza di numerosissimo popolo concorsovi ed osservando i prescritti riti di S. Chiesa per tale funzione, il cardinale getto solennamente la priora pietra della nuova chiesa in quel sito, ove sta presentemente la Cappella del Crocefisso detta di S. Rosa, che in memoria del fatto fu dedicate a S. Luca Evangelista [es]sendo che fa di cui festa correva in quel dì.

1279. At the death of Bishop Aldobrandino, their much beloved benefactor, they turned once more to the business of construction, and considered how to quickly organize the laying of the cornerstone, with the aim of getting as quickly as possible to the execution of that which the defunct prelate had already planned and provided for, not only to begin construction but also to ensure that it should be well underway. At their urgent insistence, Card. Leg. F. Latino Orsini accepted to perform this function, the date of which was fixed for October 18th of that year. The day having arrived, and the place having been appropriately decorated, and a great crowd of people having gathered there to observe the prescribed rites of the holy church for said function, the cardinal solemnly laid the first stone of the new church in that place where now is the Chapel of the Crucifix called the Chapel of Santa Rosa, that in memory of this event was dedicated to St. Luke Evangelist, since it was his feast day.

No. 6. 1280

The Commune of Florence assigns an annual allocation of money and lime to the Dominicans for the construction of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 202

1280. La republica Fiorentina quel molto ambiva che la Città, anche nel materiale delle Fabbriche vi è più si nobilitasse, non mancò di sovvenire la dispendiosa Impresa della nuova chiesa, cui avevano messo mano i Frati Predicatori con tanta soddisfazione, ed applausa di tutta Firenze. lmperocche con decreto publico, assegnò a detta Fabbrica L. Fior. 1000 in danaro, e cento moggia ci calce ognn’anno fino non restasse terminata detta Fabbrica… “

1280. The Florentine Republic, which greatly aspired that the city would become more noble, even in the material used for the constructions undertaken within it, did not omit a subsidy for the costly undertaking of the new church begun by the Brothers Preachers with so much satisfaction and applause throughout Florence. Therefore, in a public decree, the city assigned to said Fabric 1000 florins in cash, and one hundred moggia of lime each year until the construction should be complete.

No. 7. 1280

The Dominicans of Santa Maria Novella obtain new relics.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 203

1280 … pensavano unicamente alla struttura della Mura del loro Tempio si prendevano altresi a cuore di provvederlo in tempo di reliquie insigni, acciò per mezzo della devozione a que[i] santi, si accendessero maggiormente i fedeli al Culto divino, da esibirsele con la loro frequenza alla sua nuova casa di Orazione, che si faticava per fondarsi. Uno di essi fù Prate Gerardo del Pop. di SMN. Divotissimo di S. Orsola e Comp. VVMM quale per via di autorevoli corrispondenze in Colonia, tentò di avere ed ottenere due sagre teste di esse vergini, una delle quali collocò tra l’altre reliquie nella Sagrestia dell’Antica chiesa di SMN e dell’altra, piacquegli di farne dono alla chiesa di S. Dominico di Prato, quanta poi ne fu de primi Priori dopo la fondazione di quel Convento.


1280. … they [the Friars] thought only of the structure of the walls of their temple, but they also took to heart the need to provide it with important relics, so that through devotion to these saints, the faithful would be increasingly inspired towards holy worship, demonstrating it by their increased attendance in the new house of prayer they were working hard to found. One of these was Fra Gerardo of the Popolo of Santa Maria Novella. Most devoted to St. Ursula and the Company of Virgin Martyrs, of whom through authoritative connections in Cologne, he tried to have and to obtain two sacred heads of these virgins, one of which he placed among the other relics in the Sacristy of the old church of Santa Maria Novella, and the other, which it pleased him to donate to the church of San Domenico of Prato, since he had been one of its first Priors after the foundation of that convent.

No. 8. 1281

The newly dug foundations of Santa Maria Novella cause a stir in Florence and its environs.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 210.

1281. Per tutte le terre circonvicine a Firenze correva la voce dei salutari progressi, che apprò de fedeli andava facendo l’Ordine de Pred. in Firenze, ed i comuni applausi che riscuoteva da quella città, per la sontuosissima fabbrica della nuova chiesa, cui avevano data principio, che già dimostrava da soli scavi defondamenti dover’essere la più magnifica sopra tutte le altre chiese che erano allora in Firenze, e muoveva gli’animi ad idee più grandi delle antiche nel fabbricar tempil al nome del supremo monarca dello universo, . . .

1281. Throughout the countryside around Florence, word spread of the healthy progress, approved by the faithful, which was being made by the Order of Preachers in Florence, and the general applause that it earned in that city, because of the very sumptuous construction of the new church that they had undertaken, which already demonstrated from the excavation for the foundations alone, that it would be the most magnificent of all the churches then in Florence, and it moved spirits towards ideas that were greater than the old ones in the creating of temples to the name of the supreme monarch of the universe…

No.9. 1286

Indulgences from the Bishop of Florence to those contributing to construction of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 219 (Lunardi, 2001, 168)

1286. Avvegna che brevefosse il suo Vescovado, Tanto in quei pochi dì, che visse, non tralasciò di esserne Riconoscente verso i Frati di SMN dando fuori una Circolare colla quella concedeva Indulgenze di 40. giorni a chiunque con limosine avesse contribuito all’esorbitanti spese della Fabbrica della loro nuova chiesa.

1286. However brief his bishopric was, in the few days he lived he did not omit to express his thanks to the brothers of Santa Maria Novella, promulgating a circular in which indulgences of 40 days were granted to whomever should have contributed with their donations to the exorbitant expenses of the building of their new church.

No. 10. 1287

The Commune plans a new piazza for Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp. 220-221.

1287. Avanzavasi a giornate l’edifizio della nuova chiesa, e già nell’altezza delle mura, e nell’amplo circuito faceva la compassa di sua magnificenza, la onde (L: laonde) da tutti erano commentate la struttura [e] l’architettura, ed a voce comune diceasi che richiedeva una spaziosa platea che facesse teatro corrispondente alla superba mole. Su questo principiò a trattarsi di ciò nel consiglio del governo, e si deliberò di eleggersi alcuni Periti, che si portassero sul luogo, e bene esaminassero, e disegnassero una nuova piazza d’avanti al principale prospetto della nuova chiesa di SMN che risguardava quella di S. Paolo, e referissero la loro perizia, il disegno, e’l piano di ciò che occorresse, per darsi ad effetto.

1287. Construction of the new church made daily progress, and already in the height of its walls and in its ample proportions one could take the measure of its magnificence, so that everyone commented on the structure and the architecture, and with one voice said that it required a spacious piazza that would make a theatre equal to the superb structure. At which point they began to discuss this in the council of the government, and it was decided to elect several surveyors, who would go to the location, and examine it well, and design a new piazza in front of the main facade of the new church of Santa Maria Novella that faces that of San Paolo, and they would refer back with their survey, their design and the plan of that which is necessary so that it can be carried out.

No.11. 1287

The Commune of Florence orders the evaluation of a certain property to be demolished for the creation of the new piazza of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, MemMiscScart III, p. 50

1287. Gli’uffiziali detti a far fare la su detta Piazza, fanno stimare la casa di Bartolo Conciatore, la quale confina con la via, che s’andava dal cimiterio dei Frati alla Porta del Trebbio la qual casa si doveva disfare per fare detta Piazza. Guido Spadaccia Not. Reg. in Fir.

1287. The officials charged with overseeing the construction of said piazza make an estimate for the house of Bartolo Conciatore, that borders on the street leading from the cemetery of the Brothers to the Trebbio Gate, which house would have to be taken down in order to create the said piazza. Guido Spadaccia Not. Reg. in Fir.

No.12. 1287

Various purchases of houses and land in preparation for the creation of the new piazza of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, MemMiscScart lll, p. 70

1287. Sei carte di diverse compere di case e terre, comperate da diverse persone, delle quali non si riconosce se non M? Consiglio de Ceschi fig.l di F. Vivieri, che servirono per far la piazza nuova di detta S. Maria Novella, le quali erano posta fra la Porta del Trebbio e quella di S. Pagolo. “

1287. Six documents of various acquisitions of houses and land, purchased from various persons, who are unknown except for M? Consiglio de Ceschi, son of F. Vivieri, which served for the creation of the new piazza of said Santa Maria Novella, which were located between the Trebbio Gate and that of S. Pagolo.

No.13. 1288

The boundaries are established for the new Piazza of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, MemMiscScart III, p. 49

1288. Essendo stato deliberato per la Signoria Fir. che le fosse, e il terreno delle fosse dalla porta del Trebbio fina alla porta di S. Paolo rimanesse per Piazza del Comune di Fir, e della chiesa nuova dei Frati Predicatori, e risguardando che dalle dette Porte non vie passaggio per andare alla detta chiesa, l ‘anno 1287 per la medesima Sig.ria è deliberato, che dinanzi alla detta chiesa si faccia una Piazza che dalla parta d’Occidente s’estenda da muri della detta chiesa a retta linea fino alla Porta di S. Pagolo e dall’altra parte del terreno dei detti Frati, che è vicino alla via, per la quale si và alla Porta del Trebbio, a retta linea fino alla Porta del Trebbio. E perchè fosse messo a effetto elegge sei Offiziali.

1288. Having been decided by the Florentine Signoria that the moats, and the land from the moats of the Porta del Trebbio up to the Porta San Paolo should remain part of the piazza of the Commune of Florence and of the new church of the Brothers Preachers, and given that from said gates there is no passage to go to said church, in the year 1288 by the same Signoria it was decided that in front of said church should be made a piazza that would extend on the west from the walls of said church in a straight line up to the Porta San Paolo and on the other side from the land of said Brothers, that is near to the street through which one goes to the Porta del Trebbio, in a straight line up to the Porta del Trebbio. And in order to carry this out six officials were elected.

No. 14. 1295

How the Feast of Corpus Domini came to be celebrated in Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp. 233-235 [N.B.: There is not and has never been a p. 234. Borghiani apparently made an error in his page numbering.]

1295. Si era messo man alla immensa Fabbrica della Chiesa Cattedrale di S. Maria del Fiore, il Capitolo di essa pensava in qual chiesa della Città tornasse meglio il fare la Festa del Corpo di Christo. F. Loth da Sommaja, quale nutriva tenerissima divozione al Santissimo Sagramento, che non ambiva che impiegarsi per la sua gloria, come sopra si accennò, non perse tempo; maneggiossi in bella maniera colla Signoria, e col Vescovo, e coi Canonici, tal che spunto che la Messa solenne de C. Domini si facesse nella chiesa vecchia intanto di S. Maria Novella: da essa partisse e ad essa tornasse a terminare la Processione come se la giustizia così richiedesse, stante che S. Tommaso d’Aquino n’era stato il Promotore di sua universale Istituzione, e l’autore delle Laudi, e preci, che usa la chiesa cattolica in questi dì. E credibile che molto conferisse a tale deliberazione il riflesso, che quantunque la chiesa vecchia fosse poco spaziosa, e capace di popolo, con tutto ciò la parte della chiesa nuova che già era in piedi, spezialmente la Crociata contigua alla detta chiesa vecchia, era di gran comodo alle religiosi, Collegiate, Compagnie, ed altri luoghi pil che vi dovessero intervenire ed a dar sosta a molto popolo ancora.

1295. Once they had begun work on the immense building project of the Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore, the Cathedral Chapter was wondering in which of the city’s churches it would be best to celebrate the Feast of the body of Christ. Fra Loth da Sommaia, who nurtured the most tender devotion to the Holy Sacrament, who aspired to none other than to work for its glory, as mentioned above, lost no time; he dealt in such a fine way with the Signoria, and with the Bishop, and with the Canons, that he made it so that in the meantime, the solemn Mass of Corpus Domini would take place in the old church of Santa Maria Novella; from here the procession would set out and to here it would return at the end, as if justice required it to be so, given that St. Thomas Aquinas had been the promotor of its universal institution, and the author of the Lauds, and prayers, that the Catholic Church uses today. It is possible that this decision was influenced by the consideration that, although the old church was quite small, and could not hold many people, together with all that part of the new church that was already standing, especially the crossing contiguous to said old church, it was very comfortable for the friars, the collegiates, confraternities, and other pious people that would need to participate and could provide a shelter for many more people.

No. 15. 1301

State of progress on the new church of Santa Maria Novella in 1301.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 247

1301. Egl’è come certo, che la chiesa nuova di SMN dal Ponte in sù già si ufiziava, benchè non ancora condotta al perfetto suo compimento, specialmente la Cappella Maggiore, imperocchè metà della chiesa vecchia era gia stata demolita, nel piantar le colonne, e far le volte della seconda navata, essa parte superiore della prefata chiesa si sarà potuto chiudere la notte con le tre porte, che furono fatte nella fronte del Ponte, corrispondenti alle tre navate.

1301. It can be affirmed that the new church of Santa Maria Novella from the Ponte upwards, was already being used for divine offices even though it had not yet been completed to perfection, especially in the Cappella Maggiore, because half of the old church had already been demolished in order to erect the columns and prepare for the vaults of the second bay, so that this upper part of the new church could be closed off at night with three doors opened in the facade of the Ponte, corresponding to the three naves.

No. 16. 1302

A portal is opened in the east aisle wall of the Lower Nave of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 250.

1302. Già aperta era nella navata a levante la Porta al fianco, quale stava ov’è adesso l’Altare del nome di Gesù della fomiglia spenta da Sommaia, conforme si vede di fuori, nella parte del Cimitero, che restò chiuso nel recinto della Compagnia di S. Benedetto Bianco; onde al primo ingresso in chiesa per detta porta allato alla colonna a destra Pagnio Gherardi Bordoni a sue spese vi fece la Pila di marmo per l’acqua santa, che pure al presente vi si conserva: fu principiata nel 1300, e terminata questo anno, come apparisce dalle seguenti due Iscrizioni…

1302. A portal was opened into the eastern flank of the nave, which stood where today is the altar of the Name of Jesus, belonging to the now extinct Sommaia family, as can be seen from the outside, in that part of the Cemetery that is enclosed within the precinct of the Company of San Benedetto Bianco; just as one sees at the entrance to the church by said doorway next to the pier on the right a marble holy water font which Pagni Gherardi Bordoni had made there at his expense and which exists to this day: it was begun in 1300, and completed that year, as appears from the following two inscriptions…

No. 17. 1305

Description of the building site of Santa Maria Novella in 1305; civil discord in Florence leads to a slowdown in construction.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp.264-265

1305. La nuova chiesa di SMN giusta alle mura maestre che ne formavano il continente e l’ambito, le colonne, le volte, le navate, la tettoia tuttora in piede, il prospetto, le tre porte principali di contra a S. Paolo, tutto era rozzamente imbastito, e così alzata, coperta e chiusa la Fabbrica. Restava però, interiormente molto, e molto da fare; e vi corse degl’anni parecchi prima che condotta fosse al total compimento; stante che il lavoro si proseguiva lentamente, essendo molto rallentate la limosine dei Benefattori per le rivoluzioni, saccheggi, rapine, uccisioni, incendil, e carestie, con che aveano ridotto Firenze all’ ultimo sterminio i Guelfi e Ghibellini, i Bianchi e Neri, ed i poveri religiosi stentavano fino nel necessario sostentamento imperocche per campare erano costretti a far l’accatto ogni sabato per la città, ed a prendere in prestito del danaro da Secolari benassetti per comprare grano, vino, ed altro bisognevole per lo Vitto.

1305. The new church of Santa Maria Novella right up to the main walls that defined its perimeter and the area [enclosed by it], the columns, the vaults, the naves, the roof still in place, the facade, the three main doors facing towards San Paolo, the whole building was roughly delineated, and as such, was raised, covered and closed. But inside, there still remained a great deal of work to do; and quite a number of years would pass before it could be brought to completion; given that work proceeded slowly, since donations from benefactors had dwindled considerably, due to the Guelphs, Ghibellines, the Whites and the Blacks all having reduced Florence to final destruction with revolutions, sacks, robberies, murders, fire and famine. And the poor religious were struggling even with basic necessities, so that in order to get by they were forced to go begging every Saturday throughout the city, and to borrow money from well-off laymen in order to buy grain, wine, and other necessities for food.

No. 18. 1305

The altar of St. Maurice Martyr commissioned by Guido da Campi is erected.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp.265-266.

1305 … in tanto nella nuova chiesa pure questo’anno vi si fece l’erezione d’uno altare alla parete della seconda arcata a levante ove adesso sta l’Altare della Nativita del Signore; il detto altare fu eretto in onore di S. Maurizio Martire; per tutto quel sodo di muraglia tra le due laterali semicolonne vi dipinse i fatti del santo …Martire Pittore [Bruno] Fiorentino a spese di [Guido da Campi Conestabile della Repubblica Fiorentina fondatore di detta cappella.] . . Questa cappella fù distrutta e le pitture cancellate nella restaurazione di Cosimo . . .

1305. Meanwhile in the new church in that same year was erected an altar on the wall of the second bay on the east where now stands the Altar of the Nativity of the Lord; said altar was erected in honor of St. Maurice Martyr; over that entire stretch of the wall between the two lateral engaged columns the events of the life of the saint martyr were painted by the able Florentine painter [Bruno] at the expense of [Guido da Campi Constable of the Florentine Republic founder of said chapel]…This chapel was destroyed and the paintings erased during the restauration of Cosimo ..

No. 19. 1307-1308

The Minerbetti family makes a donation for construction of much of the eastern side-aisle of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp. 268-269.

(p. 268) 1307-1308. Molti erano i benefizi che il Convento avea ricevuto della nobile Famiglia de Minerbetti.


1307-1308. Many were the benefits that the convent had received from the noble family of the Minerbetti.

(p. 269) 1307-1308. La navata a levante della nuova chiesa fù fabbricata in buona parte a spese di detta Famiglia.

1307-1308. The east aisle of the nave of the new church was in great part built at the expense of this family.

No. 20. 1310

Surveyors determine the boundaries of the new piazza of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp. 276-277.

1310. Il Comune di Firenze aveva rimesso ad alcuni periti a ciò deputati il determinare, fino dove, fossero da stendersi i limiti della nuova Piazza di SMN, quale stava a buon punto di ultimarsi. Essi misuratori riferiscono doversi stendere fino in braccia 1119. Sul che si emanò il pubblico Decreto dal governo, ordina che i confini della nuova piazza di SMN arrivino e se stendino fino alla porta di S. Paolo.

1310. The Commune of Florence had entrusted several surveyors to determine the boundaries of the new Piazza of Santa Maria Novella, which was nearing completion. These surveyors reported that it should extend 1119 braccia. Upon which a public decree was issued by the government, ordering that the confines of the new piazza of Santa Maria Novella should arrive at and extend to the Porta San Paolo.

No. 21. 1310

Death of Fra Mazzetto in Prato.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 277

1310. Fior F. Mazzetto Converso di ottimo costume e Famoso Architetto: Morì in Prato mentre attuamente soprintendeva alla Fabbrica della chiesa di S. Domenico il dì 11 di Ottobre.

1310. Fra Mazzetto, most devoted Florentine lay-brother and famous architect: He died in Prato while overseeing construction of the church of San Domenico, on the 11 of October.

No. 22. 1319

The Commune makes a significant donation towards completion of the church, and purchases properties for the enlargement of the new piazza of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, MemMiscScart III, p. 204

1319. La Republica oltre la limosina fatta per la fabbrica della chiesa di 10 mila fiorini, e per ogn’anno durante la detta fabbrica 100 moggia di calce: quest’anno compri a spese del pubblico molte case, da demolire per accreser la piazza, per maggior decoro, maestà e della chiesa; siccome molto terreno, donò dalla porta del Trivia e della Porta detta di S. Pancrazio, ed al quantofino alle fosse, che si stendevano lungo le antiche mura della città.

1319. The Republic, in addition to the donations made towards the construction of the church of 10 thousand florins, and for every year during said construction 100 moggia of lime: in this year it bought with public money many houses, to demolish in order to enlarge the piazza and increase the decorum and majesty of the church; since it had already given much land from the Trivio Gate [= Porta del Trebbio] and from the Gate commonly known as San Pancrazio up to the moats that extended along the old city walls.

No. 23. 1319-1320

Founding of the Spanish Chapel.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, pp. 295-297

1319 - 1320 - Fondazione e principio della Fabbrica del Capitola dei Guidalotti, detto in oggi il Cappellone degli Spagnuoli, posta nel chiostro primo, o detto comunemente chiostro verde al convento.

1319 - 1320 - Foundation and start of construction of the Chapter House of the Guidalotti, today known as the Spanish Chapel, situated in the first cloister, commonly called the Chiostro Verde in the convent.

No. 24. 1320

The Cappella Maggiore of Santa Maria Novella is completed, the high altar erected and an altarpiece commissioned for it.

Borghigiani, MemMiscScart III, p. 95:

1320. Circa l’Anno 1320 fabbricandosi la nuova chiesa fu fabbricata la Cappella Maggiore, ed eretto l’Altare in Titolo del Assunzione di Maria. E tosto ne fù assegnato il Padronato alla Famiglia de Sassetti; Indi a poco un tal Fra Barone Sassetti del Convento di SMN, come della Famiglia, face fare la Tavola per l’Altare dal Pittore Ugolino Senese, e nel grado vi pose l’Arme della Casa; qual tavola vi stiede, finche il Ghirlandajo non fece l’altra, che dal ponte se vede, a spese di Gio. Tornabuoni come appò si dirà Sassetti indì a del Tempo, ò l’abbandonarono, ò non se ne curarono, talchè il Convento ritornò in possesso di detta Altare.

1320. Around the year 1320 while the new church was under construction, the Cappella Maggiore was completed and the [high] altar was erected with a dedication to the Assumption of the Virgin. And soon it was assigned to the patronage of the Sassetti family; soon thereafter a certain Fra Barone Sassetti of the convent of Santa Maria Novella, as a member of the family commissioned the panel for the altar from the painter Ugolino Senese, and on the base were placed the arms of the family; which panel remained there until Ghirlandaio made another, visible from the ponte, paid for by Gio. Tornabuoni; as will be said later the Sassetti from that time either abandoned it or failed to maintain it, so that the Convent came back into possession of said altar.

No. 25. 1330

Progress is made on construction of the convent buildings, and donations flow in.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 319

1330. La Fabbrica ancora del nuovo Convento cominciava ad alzare il capo da terra; qua e la a poco a poco se ne mirava la bassa imbastitura e compariva il voto [i.e, vuoto] della platea, che doveva formare il gran claustro. Molti di quei religiosi ben affetti allo avanzamento comodo e decoro del convento, s’erano addati a renderla corrispondente alla magnificenza della nuova chiesa; Onde chi con l’impiego di quatrini, chi con indicare qualche dedito Benefattore a spendervi, chi col frutto d(elle) sue fatiche, s’ingegnavano di dar intanto alla … impostatura d’un ampio Convento.

1330. The new convent began to rise from the ground; here and there, little by little the foundations of the walls could be admired, and the empty space that would form the great cloister. Many of those religious much attached to the comfortable and decorous advancement of the convent, took it on themselves to make it correspond to the magnificence of the new church; Thus, who through the use of monies, who by convincing a few dedicated benefactors to spend money on it, who with the fruit of his own labor, conspired to the accommodation of an enlarged Convent.

No. 26. 1331

Fra Simone Salterelli donates money for the bell tower.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 324

1331. Fra (Tra) I benefizi più splendidi fatti appr(ess)ò di questo convento dal Ven. Arch. di Pisa F. Simone Salterelli, certo supera di pregio tutti gli altri la fabbrica da fondam(ento) il grandioso Campanile….

1331. Among the most splendid benefices given to this convent by the venerable archbishop of Pisa Fra Simone Salterelli, certainly the construction from its foundations upwards of the magnificent bell tower exceeds all the others in value.

No. 27. 1333

Construction of the Chapel of San Niccolo by Fra Jacopo Talenti and Fra Giovanni da Campi is at a well­ advanced stage.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 328

1333. Era a buon punto la fabbrica della Cappella di San Niccolò. Sopra intendente fa Fr. Ottaviano de Rustici. Architetti e Capo muratori furono i due conversi Fr. Jacopo da Nipozzano e Fr. Giovanni da Campi.

1333. Construction of the Chapel of San Niccolo was well advanced. The Superintendent was Fra Ottaviano de’ Rustici. The architects and master masons were the two lay brothers Fr. Jacopo da Nipozzano and Fr. Giovanni da Campi.

No. 28. 1333

The bell tower, paid for by Archbishop Salterelli, is completed.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 333

1333. La fabbrica del campanile dovettesi terminare in questo Anno, deducandosi dal millesimo, che leggavasi nelle Campane, fatte fondere pure a sue spese l’Arc(ivescovo). Salterelli.

1333. Construction of the bell tower must have been completed in this year, as can be deduced from the date which can be read on the bells, cast at his expense by the archbishop Salterelli.

MemMiscScart III, p. 108

1331, 1333.. Campane. Il companile fù fatto fare dell’Arcivescovo Salterelli, nel quale sono più campane […]fra le quali ve ne sono tre messe da lui. In una di esse è scritta queste Lett. Ugolinus de Bononia me fecit anno 1331. In un’altra ci sono incise queste lett.: Puccius Florentinus. Nella magg.(iore) di tutti ci sono intagliate queste parole. Anno 1333. Florentinus me fecit.


1331, 1333. Bells. The bell tower was built at the expense of the archbishop Salterelli in which there are several bells […] among which three were commissioned by him. On one of these is written this inscription: Ugolinus de Bononia me fecit anno 1331. On another are inscribed these words: Puccius Florentinus. On most of these are inscribed the words Anno 1333. Florentinus me fecit.

No. 29. 1333

Campi and Talenti work on construction of the Upper Dormitory after the Flood of November 1333.

Borghigiani, CronAnal I, pp. 344ff.

1333. Soprintendente alla fabbrica [del Dormitorio Superiore] fu costituito F. Taddeo Compagni, del quale abbiamo le partite di entrate e Uscita di detta fabbrica. Ingegnere e capo maestro dei Muratori era F. Giov. da Campi Sud; in qualità di semplici muratori vi lavoravano F. Lapo Bruschi e F. Franco da Carmignano, ed F. ]acopo Talenti fu l’altro Architetto, e Capo Maestro, tutti conversi. Detto F. ]acopo Talenti e lo stesso, che altrimenti appellasi F. ]acopo da Nipozzano, quale per lo più assieme con F. Gio. da Campi furano Architetti de prefati e di molti altri Edifizi in Convento, e per la Città. La maggior parte de sassi, e pietrame per le muraglie, fu cavato da certa muraglia vecchia del primo cerchio della città, che ottennero dalla Republica, e che doveva essere restata lungo la piazza nuova trovandosi molte spese fatte per disfare detta Muraglia, e per lo trasporto di gran soma a traini di quei sassi fatti condurre alla fabbrica, si servirono anche per le scale del Dormitorio di alcuni scalini di pietra levati dalla Cappella di S. Gregorio nella restaurazione, ed ornamento, che ne fù la famiglia de Bardi in quell med. tempo.

1333. Superintendent of construction [for the Upper Dormitory] was Fra Taddeo Compagni, from whom we have the accounts received and the accounts paid for this project. The engineer and headmaster of the masons was the aforementioned Fra. Giovanni da Campi; working here as simple masons were Fra. Lapo Bruschi and Fr. Franco da Carmignano, and Fra. Jacopo Talenti was the other Architect and headmaster, all lay brothers. The said Fra Jacopo Talenti is the same who otherwise is called F. Jacopo da Nipozzano, who for the most part together with Fra Gio. da Campi served as architects of the above-mentioned projects, and of many other buildings in the convent and throughout the city. Most of the stones and rubble for the walls were recovered from the first circle of walls around the city that they obtained from the Commune and which must have lain for a long time along the edge of the new piazza given that it was very expensive to dismantle said wall and to transport by dragging the great load of those stones to the construction site. For the stairs of the dormitory they also reused several stones taken from the St. Gregory Chapel during its restoration and redecoration by the Bardi family at that time.

No. 30. 1333

The new church is still under construction; work on the St Gregory Chapel in the transept is commissioned by the Bardi family.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 337

1333. Non per anche terminata la nuova chiesa interiormente.

1333. The new church was not yet completed inside.

MemMiscScart III, p. 211

1333: Non per anche terminata la chiesa. Riccardo de Bardi di Vernio, viene a morte e lascia d’esser sepolto nella Cappella di S. Gregorio, al qual Santi l’avevano dedicata i Frati, oggi di S. Domenico, per lo che i suoi figliuoli ottennero dal Convento la Cappella, quale ornarono specialmente di pitture esprimente i fatti di S. Gregorio e vi feciono la sepoltura della casata, detandola di ff. 200. Essi furono impiegati nella fabbrica del Dormitorio che dal Finestra (?) và al Noviziato e s’obbligarono i Frati a lo disfare al m. anno.

1333. The church was not yet completed. Riccardo de Bardi di Vernio, when dying, requested to be buried in the Chapel of San Gregorio to which saint the brothers had dedicated this chapel, today dedicated to Domenico; for this purpose his children obtained from the Convent the chapel, decorating it especially with pictures representing the deeds of Saint Gregory, and establishing it as the family’s funerary chapel, endowing it with 200 florins. These were used in the construction of the Dormitory that goes from the window (?) to the Novitiate and which obliged the brothers to take it apart (?) in that year.

No. 31. 1334

Completion of the Piazza Nuova of Santa Maria Novella; the Commune issues rules for use of the piazza, and allots new annual funding for the church, to be used for maintenance of walls and roofs.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 342

1334. In questo anno restò terminata ed aggiustata la Piazza nuova; ed il governo, vedendo quanta conferiva la spaziosa teatro a rendervi è più maestosa la compassa della gran chiesa in ornamento della città, decretò e pubblicò il Supremo Magistrato che niuno. .. (M3204) fino a ordinarono inoltre … Ed ecco in che modo cominiciarono i secolari ad aver luogo nell’Opera della chiesa di SMN fino dal cod. (?) Anno = Ordinassi inoltre (M3 204).

[The numbers in parentheses are Borghigianni’s references to another of his notebooks, MemMiscScart III, p. 204, where he transcribed the decree. See here below for the transcription].

1334. In this year the Piazza Nuova was completed and finished; and the government, seeing how much the spacious theater acted to confer majesty on the compass of the great church as ornament for the city, the Supreme Magistrate decreed and published that no one … (M3 204) even ordering in addition And in this way the lay people began to have access to the Opera of the church of Santa Maria Novella from that year forward. In addition they ordered (M3 204).

MemMiscScart III, pp. 204-205

1334. Decreto del Supremo Magistrato che niuno in alcuna delle Piazze di SMN getti ò permetta starve immondezza veruna(?}: che niuno vi abbia casa, sia lecito farvi i sporti, se non che all’altezza di 5 braccia da terra; ne che vi possino abitare meretrici. Ordinar. in oltre, che ogn’anno che la terza parte di tutte le taglie de banditi(?), che venivano al fisco si pagasse per mantenimento della fabbrica della chiesa in perpetuo: quale annuo provento fù ridotto poi a fiorini £200 fisse l’anno. E da ciò ebbe origine l’opera di SMN, mentre per amministrare di detta Entrata si stabili che il Priore pro tempore del Convento con cinque cittadini fossero gli Operi; che morto alcuno dagl’altri adunati in corpo si elegesse il successore, da confermarsi dalla Signoria. Detta Entrata si spendeva nel restaurare i tetti a muraglie della chiesa, secondo che occorreva il bisogno. Allora fù che la republica decretò la restituzione delle Decime pagate alle porte in somma di £230 - spesso mandava del pane al Convento e molto contribuiva per le sp. (?) de Capitoli generali e Provinciali che in SMN si celebravano. I Padri voltero in segno di gratite. che nella sommità degl’Archi della chiesa vi si ponesse l’Arme della Republica il giglio bianco in campo rosso.”

1334. Decree of the Supreme Magistrate that no one in any of the piazzas of Santa Maria Novella should throw or permit there to be trash of any kind: that no one live there, sports are permitted to be played there, but only to the height of 5 braccia from the ground; nor may prostitutes live there. In addition they ordered that a third of all the bounties for bandits, that came to the revenue office should be paid for the perpetual maintenance of the church building: this annual income was later reduced to the fixed sum of 200 florins per year. And from this began the Opera of Santa Maria Novella, while for the administration of this income it was established that the Opera would be constituted by the Prior pro tempore of this convent together with five citizens; in the case of the death of one of them, the group would elect a successor to be confirmed by the Signoria. This income was to be spent in the restoration of the roofs and walls of the church according to need. So it was that the republic decreed the restitution of the tolls paid at the gates in the sum of 230 florins - often sent bread to the convent and much contributed to the expenses of the general and provincial chapters that were celebrated in Santa Maria Novella. In turn as a sign of gratitude the fathers offered to place at the top of the arches the arms of the Republic, the white lily on a red field.

[Borghigiani, in the Cronica annalistica di Santa Maria Novella [ASMN I.A.28], p. 353 (for the year 1334) referencing Billiotti, notes that that some of the contents of this decree were later either changed, forgotten or simply went unfulfilled.]

No. 32. 1334

The Commune grants monies for the construction of the church.

Borghigiani, MemMiscScart III, p. 52.

1334. Lim. del Com. per la Fabbr. della Cha.:

Commune Florentinus concessit, et ordinavit operi e cetis a SMN tertia parte pecunis Inquisitionis, que(m)? pertinet ad ipsum Comm. ‘; cuius concessionis fecit Instrum. F Fran. ]osej Puccis Lit. Infang.

1334. Donations of the Commune for the Construction of the Church:

The Commune of Florence grants and orders a third part of the monies from the Inquisition belonging to the said Commune for works et cetera at Santa Maria Novella; which concession was made by f Fran. Josej Puccis Lit. Infang.

No. 33. 1335

Private rooms for Fra Simone Salterelli are built by Talenti, Campi and Fra Lodovico.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 345

1335. Fr. Simone Salterelli fa costruire alcune camere per se tra l’infermeria e la Capella di S. Niccolò. Vi soprintende

Fr. Giovanni Infongati; architetti e capimaestri furono i soliti due conversi Fr. Giov. da Campi e Fr. ]acopo Talenti e un Fra Lodovico.

1335. Fra Simone Salterelli has some rooms built for himself between the infirmary and the Chapel of S. Niccolo. The superintendent of work was Fr. Giovanni Infangati; the architects and headmasters were the usual lay brothers Fr. Giov. da Campi and Fr. Jacopo Talenti and Fra Lodovico.

No. 34. 1335

The Convent receives regular donations from the Commune for the construction and maintenance of the church.

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 346

1335. Si riscuote spesso dal Comune di Firenze £25 - lo credo l’assegnamento stato graziato per la fabbrica della Chiesa, ò suo mantenimento.

1335. [The Dominicans of Santa Maria Novella] often collect from the Commune of Florence 25 Florins -which I [i.e., Borghigianni] think is the allowance granted for construction and maintenance of the Church.

No. 35. 1335

Campi and Talenti contribute money for the construction of the new Dormitory

Borghigiani, CronMin I, p. 346

1335. F. Gia. da Campi e F. Jac. da Nipozzano contribuiscono del danaro per la fabbrica del Dormitorio nuovo.

1335. Fra Giovanni da Campi and Fra Jacopo da Nipozzano contribute some money towards the construction of the new Dormitory.

179. C. 1335

Turino, healthy in mind and sense, by the grace of God, although weak in body … designates that there may be given 270 gold florins from his estate for the well-being of his soul, and of these 270 gold florins, of which he had already given 30 for the expense, and had entrusted them to Fra Jacopo Passavanti of the Brothers preachers of Florence so that he might arrange to pay the expense for the construction and opening of the principle door of the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence on the side that faces onto the new piazza, where this door should be built to the honor and glory of God Omnipotent and of the glorious Virgin Mary and for the remission of his sins and he wishes to have this amount given to Fra Jacopo and through him to use them for the realization of said work. He nominated brother Jacopo as the executor of said work, to whom the said amount should be consigned to be used in the creation of the portal.

… by the notary Thomas, son of Ser Silvestro of Ser Bernardo of Florence.

Orlandi, I, 457, 529, note 24; II, Doc. XXIV, 436-37.

No. 36. 1341

Fra Giovanni Infangati and Archbishop Salterelli pay for the south wing of the Chiostro Grande.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, p. 1

1341. Fabbrica della volte e loggiate del chiostro secondo, cioè del chiostro grande. L’ala della parte di mezzogiorno,

d’avanti la Infarmeriale fece edificare F. Gio. Infangati, dice il Biliotti, col suo patrimi. proventi di sue fatiche, e coll’ajuto de suoi coniunti, e dell’Arc. Salterelle, questo concourse alla spesa per quanto importava, la volta e colonna d’avanti lo Appartam. già fabbricatosi tra la Infirm. e S. Niccolò….

1341. Construction of the vaults and arcades of the second cloister, that is the Chiostro Grande. The south wing in front of the Infirmary was built at the expense of Fra Giov. Infangati, according to Biliotti, from his assets deriving from his work and with the help of his relatives, and of Archbishop Salterelli who contributed to the costs incurred by the vault and columns in front of his apartment, which he had already had built between the Infirmary and the chapel of San Niccolò…

No. 37. 1348

Under Talenti’s direction a passageway is built from the Dormitory intended to lead into the Sacristy.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 21-22

1348. Si fabbrica di nuova sotto la direzione o magisterio di F. Jacopo Talenti Converso Architetto, un passare o forse andito, che dal Dormitorio doveva portare alla Sagrestia. S’indico che questa sia il pontilino de specchi, che dal Dorm.(itorio) va alla stanza dei Beati tuttavia esistente. Ciò si fece, perche si cominciò allora a tener chiusa a chiave particol(armente). la libreria di dove facilm(ente) prima avevanno avuto il passo alla Sagrestia….

1348. Once more under the direction or leadership of Fra Jacopo Talenti lay brother architect, a passageway or perhaps walkway is built to lead from the Dormitory to the Sacristy. This can probably be identified as the little raised walkway of the specchi [=mirrors(?)] leading from the Dormitory to the stanza dei Beati still extant today. This was done because at this time they began to keep in particular the library locked, from which earlier one could gain easy access to the Sacristy…

No. 38. 1349

Fra Jacopo Talenti builds the Carboni Chapel and the staircase leading from the Chiostro Verde up to the nave of the church.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 23, 24

(p. 23) 1349. Già era di poco eretta di nuovo col disegno, a capo intendenza di F. Jacopo da Nipozzano l’altra Cappella di S. Antonio, nel chiostro pure del Cimitero, dalla parte delta chiesa, secondo che disposto aveva Ulivieri Carboni, ed eseguito il vescovo di Fiesole M Fuligno Carboni suo Figliuolo …M 3 110-11

1349. There was already recently erected, again according to the design, and under the direction of Fra Jacopo da Nipozzano the other Chapel of S. Antonio also in the cloister of the Cemetery, on the side of the church, according to the wishes of Ulivieri Carboni, and executed by the Bishop of Fiesole, Fuligno Carboni his son…

(p. 24) 1349. Nella fabbrica della presenta Capp. si crede fatta a spese della Famiglia Carboni la seala pure che gli stà allata, e che sale in chiesa, presso la sagrestia, e la porta ancora, per chi s’entra in chiesa, med. essendovi sopra nell’Architrave di pietra l’Anne della Casata che fà il Gallo. “

1349. In the construction of said chapel it is believed that the Carboni family also paid for the stairs next to it that

lead up to the church, near the Sacristy, and the door as well, for whomever enters the church itself, since above in the stone architrave is the family coat of arms, which display a rooster.


Doc. 9. In a codicil to his will, Turino di Baldese donates money for construction of the main door to the church of Santa Maria Novella.

ASF, S. Maria Novella.

08 October 1349.

1349, 8 ottobre – Torinus … sanus pro Christi gratia mente et sensibus licet egens corpore … reliquit et indicavit de bonis suis pro anima su flor. auri ducentos septuaginta quos ducento spetuagina flor. auri spendi et converti voluit et mandavit per religosum virum fratrem Jacobum passavantis ord. pred. de Flor. Una cum triginta flor. auri, quos triginta flor. auri asseruit iam sibi solvisse, satisfecisse et dedisse in et pro hedificatione et constructione maioris janue ecclesie sancta marie novelle de Florentia sicut ex parte plate nove dicte ecclesie et pro faciendo fieri et construe ibidem ipsam januam ad horonem et reverentiam omnipotentis dei et gloriose marie semper virginis et ob suorum peccatorum remissionem quem fratrem Jacobum executorem et fidei comissarium ad predicta reliquit et fecit et quam pecuniam voluit ad dictum fratrem Jacobum pervenire et per eum erogari et distribui in causam jam dictam… Thamsisu filius quondam ser Silvestri ser Bernardi de Florentia.

No. 39. 1350

Work begins on the marble veneer of the main facade.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, p. 26.

1350. Si principiò ad ornare lafacciata esteriore della chiesa, per altro legato di Turino di Baldese si mettono sù tutti li stipiti, architrave, ed altri belli lavori di pietrame alle tre Porte principali e sopra vi si fanno fare le tre pitture che vi sono [Borghigianni’s strikethrough] con incrostione di marmi bianchi e neri tutto il sodo inferiore, ò prospetta della Facciata med’., da piè fino al primo Cornicione immediatamente superiore alle tre porte inclusive; l’altra metà di sopra, stiede così rozza a calcina per piu d’un secolo poi. Tutta la spesa fù fatta dagl’eredi Baldesi esecez. pone(?) alla mente di detto Turino, espressa come sopra nel suo Testam • def 1342.


1350. The ornamentation of the exterior facade of the church was begun. Thanks to another bequest by Turino di Baldese, the door jambs, architrave and other beautiful works in stone were erected at the three principal entrances and above they caused to be executed the three paintings that arc visible there with cladding of white and black marble on all the lower pan or prospect of said facade, from the bottom up to the first cornice immediately above all three doors; the upper half of the facade would thus remain unfinished and covered only with whitewash for more than a century afterwards. All of the expenses were covered by the Baldesi heirs as executors, according to the wishes of said Turino, as expressed above in his will of 1342.

No. 40. 1351

A bequest by Fedaldino de Ricci is used for the stained-glass window in the facade.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 28-30, 51

1351. Avendo Fedaldino de Ricci nel suo ultimo Testam°. fatto un legato di fior. 400 - in sussidio della fabbrica della chiesa, che restava imperfetta, particolarmente nella facciata, gli esecutori Testamentari; erogorono nel fare il grande occhio di vetri figurati che sta sopra la porta maggiore di mezzo; e dall’avanzo v’è chi dice che ne fosse intonacata tutta la detta facciata per la parte interiore, che tuttavia era rozza.

Ma il Biliotti … con più di chiarezza scrive: ‘Fedaldino de Ricci donò ed assegno in perpetuo (ò in vita, ò in morte)’/ fior. 35 l’anno, da pagarsi dall’Arte della Lana per sussidio e della fabbrica, e delle loro necessità:, e pagavono in una volta ffior 400, de quali F. Miniato Lapi con fior. 300 fece l’occhio grande di vetri figurati della facciata, ponendosi nelle parti laterali le Arme di Ricci, e con gl’altri 100 fiorini finì di aggiustare la muraglia di detta facciata che ancora in qualche parte non era del tutto terminata. “

1351. Fedaldino de Ricci, having made in his last will a bequest of 400 Florins - to be used for the construction of the church, still incomplete, especially the facade, the executors of his will disbursed the funds towards the creation of the large historiated glass oculus which is over the main central portal; and it is thought that the remaining funds were used for the whitewash of the entire upper part of the inner facade, as yet unfinished.

But Biliotti …with greater clarity writes: ‘Fedaldino de Ricci gave and assigned in perpetuity (both in life and

in death) 35 Florins per year to be paid by the Arte della Lana to subsidize the creation together with any related expenses: the heirs contracted with the convent and made a single payment of 400 gold florins of which F. Miniato Lapi with 300 Florins made the big historiated glass oculus of the facade, placing on the sides the arms of the Ricci, and with the other 100 Florins they brought to completion the said inner facade wall, as yet unfinished in some places.

No. 41. 1352

Work proceeds on the vaults of the first cloister.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 34-35

1352 …si lavora alle volte del primo claustro che non erano terminate

1352…work proceeds on the vaults of the first cloister which had not yet been completed.

No. 42. 1353

The Refectory roof is completed; Passavanti pays for paintings to be made in the Refectory.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, p. 35

1353. Si termina il Tetto def Refettorio: a detta spesa vi concorsero alcuni dei Religiosi; tra quali F. ]ac. Passavanti diede ftor. no. d’oro, perche vi fossero fatte nel Refett. alcune pitture.

1353. The roof of the Refectory is completed: several of the religious contributed to this expense; among whom Fra Jacopo Passavanti gave no. [=number(?)] gold Florins, so that several paintings could be executed in the Refectory.

No. 43. 1354

Various building projects are carried out in the convent; Passavanti pays for paintings in the Refectory.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 38-39

1354 … Si spende per le Catene del secondo chiostro … Si fanno le Tavole nuove all’Ospizio. Si fà il Tetto e la volta alla Cucina. S’imbianca il Refett. e la detta volta della cucina. F. Jac. Passavanti da fior. no. per fare alcune pittura nel Refettorio. Spese perl le catene anche del primo chiostro, per il pulpito e volta del Refett: verosimilmente quella volta nell’Andito Avanti la buca della cucina, ov’era la porta principale del refettorio, che è la stessa, che ora esta nell’Ospizio.

1354. … Monies are used to pay for the Chains [=tie rods] in the second cloister …New panels are made for the

Hospice. The roof and vault of the Kitchen are built. The Refectory and the said vault of the kitchen are whitewashed. Fra Jacopo Passavanti gives no. [=number(?)] Florins to have several paintings made in the Refectory. Expenditures also made for the Chains [=tie rods] of the first cloister, for the pulpit and vault of the Refectory: probably that vault in the passageway in front of the opening of the kitchen, that is, the main door to the refectory, the same one that is now in the Hospice.

No. 44. 1355

Completion of construction of Santa Maria Novella; Passavanti elected Prior; summary of work still to be done on the church; duration of the construction, costs, and some contributors.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 40-41

1355. Bencivenni sold. della Verg’. Ma. prima chiam. Cenni di Nardo (de Rucellai) principiò, od aveva poco prima principiato la fabbrica della Cappella di S. Cat. Verg. e M sita in testa della crociata a levante, al quanta sollevata dal piano della chiesa, e con scala di pietra per salirvi. [M3 96, ed il Biliotti a 14] Circa i primi di Nov. del questo anno venne eletto in Priore def Convento il meritissimo ed eruditiss. F. Jac. Passavanti, questo però poco tempo si contentò di esser superiore, non essendo arrivato ad un’anno intiero il suo priorato. Suo priorato è l’epoca comun’ tenuto all’ultimo compiut’ della nuova chiesa. Ma non di chiaro: del l’ultimo compim’. in quanto che a tempo del suo priorato fù finite di aggiustare la Cappella Maggiore e le manganelle del coro; talche allora si principiò ivi ad uffiziare de Frati di notte che di giorno, recitandovi o cantandovi le [ore canoniche ed alla Cappella Maggiore cantandovi le messe conventuali] unitam’. all’ora della mattina. Del restante la chiesa era di prima già in/ uso per le messe piane per le prediche al popolo e per amministrarvi i sagram’. alla Confess’. e Comun’. a Fedeli, mentre da qualche tempo aveva varie Cappella in essere per la Crociata, per altre parti della chiesa, e massime sopra e sotto al ponte. Restava ancora con tutto ciò imperfetta nella Cappella di S. Caterina poco fù nomin. e nella facciata esteriore, che ancora [damezzo in sù] era rozza, e di nuda muraglia a riserva delle parte come sopra si disse [il pavimento era la maggior parte sterrato] e qualche Cappella mancava che fù eretta dopo. Rapportano i Scrittori del [Convento che] tutta la fabbrica di sì maestoso Tempio quale duro 75 [Borghigianni’s strikethough] 77 anni, costasse tra ogni cosa circa centomila fiorini d’oro; le famiglie che contribuirono alla detta Spesa, oltre quello che somministro largam’. la Republica … [di calce, e contanti] del Publico, furono






Cerchi [M3. 234]

1355 Bencivenni soldier (?) of the Virgin Mary, once called Cenni di Nardo (de Rucellai) began or shortly before had begun construction of the Chapel of St. Catherine Virgin and Martyr at the head of the east arm of the transept, raised above the pavement level of the church and with a stone staircase to climb up to it. [M.3 96, and Biliotti at 14] In early November of this year, the extremely deserving and erudite Fra Jacopo Passavanti was elected Prior of the Convent; he must not, however, have long been happy in this role, since his priorship lasted less than a year. It was during his priorship that the church is commonly thought to have been completed. But this is not exactly certain, in as much as at the time of his priorship the Cappella Maggiore and the railings(?) of the choir were modified; so that from then on they began to conduct there the divine offices of the brothers, both at night and during the day, reciting and chanting the [canonical hours and, in the Cappella Maggiore, chanting the conventual masses] together in the morning. The church, however, had already been in use for ordinary Mass, for the preaching to the public and for the administration of the sacraments of Confession and Communion to the faithful, while for some time there had been extant various chapels in the transept and elsewhere in the church and especially on top of and beneath the ponte.

In the above-mentioned chapel of St. Catherine there was still much left to be completed, as there was also on the exterior of the facade, that still [from the middle up] remained only crudely finished as we noted above [the floor was still largely earth] and some chapels were lacking that would be added later. It is reported by the chroniclers of the [convent that] the entire construction process of this truly magnificent Temple that lasted [strikethrough] 77 years, including all expenses, cost one hundred thousand gold Florins; the families that contributed to said expense, beyond that largely subsidized by the Republic…[with lime, and money] funded by the public, were:






Cerchi [M3. 234]

List of families who contributed to the construction costs of the church and convent of Santa Maria Novella.

MemMiscScart III, p. 234

1355 “Famiglie che contribuirono alla fabbrica della chiesa:

Cavalcanti Minerbetti

Bordoni Cerchi

Macci Alfani

Castiglioni Giuoche(?)

Ricci Benintendi

Tornaquinci Falconi

Rucellai Bardi

Baldesi Smeratti

Strozzi Salterelli

Names in the margins, added later:








Della Luna











Del Lama(?)









No. 46. 1355

Religious organizations and individuals who contributed with donations to the construction. Borghigiani, CronMin II, p. 42

1355: Luoghi Pii quali concorsero alla Fabbrica con limos.[ine]

Comp’ e Capitani di SMN o di SP M o alle Laudi.

Comp’ e Buonomini del Bigallo detta altrimenti la Cappella Maggiore

Comp’ e Capitani di Orto S. Mich’.

Comp’ di SS Sim.e Taddeo - in S. M la Nov.

Comp’ di S. Bartol’. Ap’ - in S. M la Nov.

Piped.’ e Pinzocheri di S.Paolo

Diversi religiosi - tra gl’altri

F. ]acopo Passavanti

Il vescovo F. Aldobrandino Cavalcanti

L’Arc’ F. Simone Salterelli

Il Vescovo F. Anj. Acciauoli

F. Pagano Adimari

F. Ugolino Minerbetti

F. Ugolino da Sommaja

Oltre le grandi somme aveva in essa speso il Convento, con tutto il consenso, anzi genio di tutta la comunità, quanto eleggersi volontieri.

1355: Religious organizations that contributed with donations to the construction:

Confraternal members and captains of Santa Maria Novella either of San Pietro Martire or the Laudesi Confraternal members and Buonomini del Bigallo otherwise known as the Cappella Maggiore

Confraternal members and captains of Orsanmichele

Confraternal members of SS. Simone e Taddeo - in Santa Maria Nuova

Confraternal members of San Bartolomeo Apostolo - in Santa Maria Nuova

Piped.0 and Pinzocheri of San Paolo

Various religious, among others:

Fra Jacopo Passavanti

The Bishop Fra Aldobrandino Cavalcanti

The Archbishop Fra Simone Salterelli

The Bishop Fra Angelus Acciauoli

Fra Pagano Adimari

Fra Ugolino Minerbetti

Fra Ugolino da Sommaja

Not only did the convent spend large sums on this [i.e., the construction], the entire community willingly participated with its full agreement, even genius.

No. 47. 1355

List of Superintendents of the Construction of Santa Maria Novella.

Borghigiani, CronAnal. II, p. 60

Avevano Soprinteso alla Fabbrica

F. Pasquale dell’Ancisa per 5 anni, dal 1279 al 1284.

F. Pagano Adimari per 15 anni, dal 1284 al 1299

F. Ranieri Gualterotti, per 18 anni, dal 1299 al 1317

F. Jacopo Passavanti, per 39 anni, dal 1317 al 1356

The following served as Superintendents of construction

F. Pasquale dell’Ancisa for 5 years, from 1279 to 1284.

F. Pagano Adimari for15 years, from 1284 to 1299

F. Ranieri Gualterotti, per 18 years, from 1299 to 1317

F. Jacopo Passavanti, per 39 years, from 1317 to 1356

No. 48. 1355

The measurements of the church.

Borghigiani, MemMiscScart III, p. 234

1355. Misure della chiesa.

Lunghezza dalla porta Maggiore fino alla muraglia del coro sotto al finestrone: braccia 168.

Lunghezza della crociata da una testata all’altr.: br. 106.

Lunghezza del corpo della chiesa: br. 46.

Pilastri sono di diametro: br. 4.

La volta è grossa un braccio e sesto.

1355. Measurements of the church.

Length from the main door up to the wall of the choir under the great window: 168 braccia

Length of the transept from one end to the other: 106 braccia

Length [ = width] of the body of the church: 46 braccia

Piers have a diameter of 4 braccia

The vault is one and a sixth braccia.

No. 49. 1356

The Strozzi di Mantova Chapel is built.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, p. 47

1356. Circa questo tempo da una delle famiglie Strozzi fù fabbricata la Cappella di S. Tomm., in testata alla

crociata, allato al Campanile. Ciò si deduce dalla tavola di Andrea Orcagna Pitt. appiè alla quale sta scritto Anno Dni 1357. Andrea Cione me fecit, asserendo il Vasari che egli dipinse la detta tavola in Pisa dopa che esse dipinto insieme con Bern. suo fratello fresco sulle mura di detta Cappella il Paradiso da una parte, l’1nferno dell’altra, secondo i Sogni del fam•. Dante, de di cui poemi era molto geniale il detto Andrea, comecole oltre la perizia di Pitt°., scult°., e arch’. che lui possedeva, era dilettante di poesia. “

1356. About this time one of the members of the Strozzi family commissioned the construction of the chapel of St. Thomas at one end of the transept, next to the bell tower. This can be deduced from the panel by the painter Andrea Orcagna at the foot of which is written Anno Domini 1357. Andrea Cione mefecit. Vasari asserts that he painted this panel in Pisa after he, together with his brother Bernardo, had painted the fresco on the walls of said chapel the Paradiso on one side and the Inferno on the other, according to the Dreams of the famous Dante, whose poem was greatly inspiring to said Andrea, since, in addition to the expertise in painting, sculpture and architecture that he possessed, he also delighted in poetry.

No.50. 1357

Jacopo Talenti directs the paving of the (second) cloister.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, p. 52

1357. Si ammattona il chiostro sotto la direzione di F. ]acopo Talenti

1357. The (second) cloister is paved with brick under the direction of Fr. Jacopo Talenti.

No. 51. 1358

The bell tower is hit by lighting, causing damage to the church and convent, repaired by Jacopo Talenti.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 53, 55

(p. 53) 1358. Questa anno tra la fine di marzo e primi d’Aprile il convento ebbe la disgrazia che cadde sul campanile un fulmine, questo fece di gran rovina nel med. e sconquassò talmente. i tetti della chiesa e Convento, e del vicinato ancora stante le pietre, che dalla forza della scatto furono scagliate in molta distanza, che bisognò ai Frati fare un accatto per la Città, affine di resarcire al danno, nel campanile e nella Tetta, essendo importanta la spesa delle centinaia di fiorini.

1358. This year between the end of March and the early days of April the convent had the misfortune of its bell tower being struck by lightning, which caused great destruction of the said tower and caused so much damage to the roofs of the church and convent, and roundabout, given that the stones from the force of the lightning strike were scattered far and wide, that it necessary for the friars to come to an agreement with the City in order to help repair the damage to the bell tower and roof given the significant expense of some hundreds of florins.

(p. 55) 1358. Molte partite e grosse a uscita pagate a Fr. Jac. Talenti per lo risarcimento del campanile e tetti rovinati dal fulmini.

1358. To Fra Jacopo Talenti many large payments made for the repair of the bell tower and the roofs damaged by the lightning strike.

No. 52. 1359

Work on the Old Infirmary; further work on the bell tower.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 56-57

1359. Circa questo tempo, o poco prima furono gettate le volte dell’antico Ospizio (quello che oggi noi chiamiamo Refettorio e che fu costruito a tale uso), quale al tempo della Riforma fu messo a uso di rifett. ed è presentemente, col disegno, assistenza, ed opera di F. Jacopo Talenti da Nipozzano. Onde cosi si legge nella Cron. del Biliotti…

1359: At around this time or slightly earlier were erected the vaults of the old Infirmary (which today we call the Refectory and which was constructed for such use [i.e.., as an Infirmary?]), and which at the time of the Reform was put to use as a Refectory and remains so today, following the design and with the assistance and work of Fr. Jacopo Talenti da Nipozzano. Or so we read in the chronicle of Biliotti.

(p. 57) 1359. A F. Jacopo Talenti diverse partite per le restaur:.(?) del Campanile. Il Priore va al Cap. Seguitano le spese per le catene del secondo chiostro.”

1359. To Fra Jacopo Talenti various payments for the restoration of the bell tower. The Prior goes to Cap. __ The following are for the chains in the second cloister.

No. 53. 1360

Construction of the Sacristy by Talenti with funding from the Cavalcanti family.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 58

1360 lntorno a questo tempo cade l’Epoca della fabbrica della sagrestia; fù edificata in quella metà della chiesetta antica donata dal Prete Farese che era rimasta in piedi, nello alzare le mura della nuova chiesa alla quale anche di prima i Frati se ne servivano per sagrestia. Mainardi della nobil. famiglia de Cavalcanti quale era stato marescalco della Reg. na Giov. di Napoli, per lo merito che s’era acquistato col suo valore in Guerra, pensò di lasciar mem’. di se nella sua Patria; Onde col consiglio disegno e soprintend’. di F. Jac. da Nipozzano Architetto più frate mention’. ridusse a sue spese la sud’.

metà dell’antica chiesetta a cappella, nel modo che oggi giorni si vede; con questo divario, che allora essendo fondat’. per Cappella, la intitola della Vergine Annunziata dell’Ang. vi posa l’Altare in fondo di ciò la porta con la tavola esprim’. l’Annunziazione di Maria, ed appiè di d°. Altere, vi sitiò la sepoltura della Famiglia.

1360. Around this time was the period of the construction of the sacristy; it was erected in that half of the old church donated by Father Forese that was still standing throughout construction of the new church and which the early friars used as a sacristy. Mainardo of the noble Cavalcanti family who had served as Marshall to Queen Giovanna of Naples, for the merit that he had acquired through his valor in battle, wished to leave a memorial of himself in his native city; so with the advice, design and oversight of the often mentioned architect Fra Jacopo da Nipozzano, he [Mainardo] assumed the expense of turning the said part of the old church into a chapel, such as we see today; with this portion, that was then founded as a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Annunciate of the Angel, the altar was placed at the back opposite the door, with the panel showing the Annunciation to Maria, and at the foot of the altar was situated the family tomb.

No. 54. 1362

Summary of the life of Jacopo Passavanti.

Borghigiani, CronMin II, pp. 75-76

(p. 75) 1362. Nel mese di Aprile, e nel resto del presente Anno, a pestilenza, a dar un doloroso cenno principiò del fiero riattacco, che era per patirne nuovam’. Firenze e suoi Contorni nel susseguente 1363, tra i Religiosi che ne provarono il velenoso morto furono…”

“Morì altresì il celebre architetto F. Jacopo Talenti da Nipozzano, piacque pure a Dio di chiamare a se in buon punto, il di 2 di Ottobre sendo per anche nella fresca età di 60 anni. Sovente sopra nominato, che per lo maraviglioso di sua perizia in disegnare, dirigere, e lavorare edifizi non avea pari a suoi tempi in Firenze. Il Necrologio e la Cronica del Biliotti gli fanno giustizia, divisandolo per uomo d’inappressabile operare sì, come religioso del tutto osservante e savio e prudente, sì, come professore eccellente, trattando gl’affori dell’Arte sua con grande umiltà, schietezza,, e disinteresse. Per rammentare le sue opere più riguardevoli: Vivente F. Gio. da Campi, di cui fù discipolo ed allievo, e lavorando sotto la di lui soprintendenza, fabbricò la maggior parte delle volte della nuova chiesa, e del Ponte alla Carraia. Anche più di F. Gio. sud°, acquisto maggior fama il suo nome, mentre con sommo applause fù Architetto nella fabbrica del campanile, tiro avanti quella della chiesa fino all’ultima perfezione, edificò quell supremo d’ingegnera e capo maestro il capitolo de Guidalotti, le volte del primo chiostro, non solo avanti del capitolo, ma dell’altre tre ancora, la maggior parte delle volte del chiostro secondo, la Cappella de Cavalcanti ora Sagrestia, l’Ospizio grande, in oggi reffettorio, la Cappella de Cartoni sotto le volte, ed altre Fabbriche in Convento, e per Fir. molte si publici che privati. “

1362. In the month of April, and through the remainder of this year, the plague began a second bold assault, which Florence and its environs were forced to suffer more even into the following year of 1363; among the religious who experienced this poisonous death were …

Another who died was the famous architect Fra Jacopo Talenti of Nipozzano; it also pleased God to call him at a good point, on the 2 of October, when he was still at the vigorous age of 60 years. Often mentioned in the foregoing, who for the excellence of his expertise in designing, directing and constructing buildings had no equal in Florence in his time. The Necrology and the Chronicle of Biliotti do him justice, treating him variously as a man whose work is priceless, both as a wise and prudent religious, observant in every way, and as an excellent professional, who practiced the business of his art with great humility, forthrightness and a lack of self-interest. To recall his most remarkable works: during the lifetime of Giovanni da Campi of whom he was disciple and student, and working under his supervision, he built the better part of the vaults of the new church, and of the Ponte alla Carraia. Even more so than Fra Giovanni, the name of the aforementioned [Talenti] acquired great fame, since he was acclaimed as architect of the construction of the bell tower, he continued construction of the church through to completion, and this supreme engineer and master builder erected the Chapter House of the Guidalotti, the vaults of the first cloister, not only those in front of the Chapter House, but also those of the other three sides, the better part of the vaults of the second cloister, the Chapel of the Cavalcanti, now the Sacristy, the large Infirmary, today the Refectory, the Chapel of the Cartoni under the vaults, and other construction projects in the convent and many throughout Florence, both public and private.

Doc. 10. Description of the church of Santa Maria Novella by Fra Giovanni Caroli (late 15th century).

Giovanni Caroli, Vite non nullorum fratrum beate Maria Novelle … in vita Beati Johannis Salernitani.

Archivio S. Maria Novella, I.A.4., 22v-23.

Erat autem ea ecclesia ad modum parva et ad occidentem sita, protendebatur illam plateam versus, quam no veterem appellamus. Utque coniecturari possumus, ex hiis vestigiis que prioris ecclesie remansereunt altare illius erat sub minori fenestra eius sacella quod sacristiam dicimus. Longitudo vero ad medium usque chori quod nunc cernimus erat, novum sacellum versus quod puritatis dicunt, a nobili nuper ricasolorum familia hedificatum. Ecclesai vero nova ad meridiem sita est: quasi ex transverso ad priorem ecclesaim, ut si crucem efficias, cuius structura et opus, longe magnificum, cetera alia nostre civitatis templorum hedificia superat et excellit, cum operis firmitate, tum et dignitate sua. Nam si ad primam eius ecclesie portam, consistas intusque illam spectes, cum testudinata sit, omnes illas testudines egregia arte confectas, uno simul oculi ictu perspicies, una alterius aspectum nulla ratione impediente. Constructa est autem, eo testudines genere quod, quintum acutum appellant. Quo dita firmissimum est ut etiam si pene columpnas incideres, in se ipsis manerent firmissime. Neque vero cathenis aut aliis huius modi apparentibus firmamentis consistit, sed in semetipsam illam artifices erigentes, egregium ac firmissimum reddidere templum, per omnia secula duraturum. Aiunt autem, hoc fecisse nostre domus converso. Quippe invenio et ita a mairoribus natu accepti, per ea tempora, ordinem supra septem et triginta fuisse ingressos, quorum plerique architectonice artis, peritissimi habebantur, quorum studio et opera templum pisum hedificatum est. Duos quoque pontes quod sante trinitatis et carrarie dicimus, ferunt hos civitati restituisse: repubblice sumptu, qui aquarium inundation corruerant. Solum autum huius ecclesie construende: a filiis jacobi equitis prestantissimi, tornaquinciorum clara familia procreati, altera exparte emptum a fratribus constat, reliquum vero a plerique aliis, cuius fortasse rei gratia, primum altare: tornaquinciorum familie attributum est. Fabbrice autem precipui cooperatores fuere, frater Paschalis primum. Diende Raynerius quem Grecum dixere. Postremo omnium prestantissimus. Jacobus Passavantes, cuius amplissimo studio ecclesia ipsa perfecta est, et fortasse ob meritum marmoreo sepulcro, ante maius altare conditus iacet.

That church was indeed small in size, and situated to the west, it extended towards that piazza that we call old. And we can conjecture, from those vestiges that remain from the earlier church, that its altar was under the smaller window of that chapel we call the Sacristy. It seems that the length extended up to the middle of the choir that we see now, towards the new chapel they call ‘della Pura,’ built recently by the noble family of the Ricasoli. The new church, in fact, is situated to the south; almost athwart the earlier church, so as to make a cross, whose structure and workmanship, extremely magnificent, surpasses and excels the other religious buildings of our city with both the strength of its work and its appearance. For if you were standing in the first door of the church, and you were looking at it, since it is vaulted, with once glance you would see all the vaults made with excellent art, and with another glance you would see clearly in another direction, with no obstacle. Indeed, the church was built with that manner of vaults they call ‘quinto acuto.’ That is the most stable kind, so that even if you nearly cut down the columns they would still remain very strong by virtue of their own structure. And they stand without tie rods (180) or other such visible supports but by their very own selves: the builders made them outstanding, and most firm, so that it [the church] might endure through the ages. Indeed, this was done by ‘conversi’ of our house. To be sure I have even heard and believed that in the time of the birth of our fathers, more than thirty-seven entered the order, of whom most were highly experienced in the art of architecture, through whose study and work this church was built. Also, they made two bridges that we call Santa Trinita and La Carraia, at the expense of the republic, to replace those bridges that had been carried away by a flood. The foundation of this church was built by the sons of the most distinguished knight Jacob, a descendant of the Tornaquinci family. There exists, in another part of the church, a relic purchased by the brothers, which, along with many other things, is located on the main altar, by the grace of the king. This is attributed to the Tornaquinci family. There were joint laborers in this building project: first, Brother Paschal, and then Raynerius called the Greek, and finally the most distinguished, Jacopo Passavanti, by whose most abundant zeal the church was completed. It is probably on that account that he merited the marble tomb that lies in front of the main altar.

Fineschi, 9

Brown, 17 (note 2)

Orlandi, II, 388-89.